10 Tips to Build Self Confidence

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By awarenessofsuccess

Self confidence is the foundation of success and fulfillment in life. It requires dedication, self-awareness, and ongoing effort. Self-confident people believe they have the necessary qualities, skills, and intelligence to succeed, even in challenging situations. They often face fears and pursue challenges, even during difficulties. 

“With realization of one’s potential and self confidence in one’s ability, one can build a better world.” ~ The Dalai Lama

Confidence in the workplace is very important for overall success, as it boosts motivation and ambition and reduces anxiety and stress. However, not everyone is born with self confidence, and must learn to develop it. It allows for risk-taking and achieving goals but many people struggle with it and find it challenging to improve their confidence.

Tips to Build Self Confidence

Discovering the choices and accomplishments that feed your passion and make you happy and proud of who you are is the key to building confidence in life.

Here are some tips to build your self confidence:

1. Set Goals for Yourself

Setting goals provides direction and boosts confidence and motivation. Identify your desired goals, whether related to career, relationships, or personal development. Track your progress and celebrate achievements, as each milestone strengthens your belief in your abilities and capacity to succeed.

with confidence, you have won before you have started

Target small objectives to help you reach your results, and evaluate every small success in achieving a larger goal. Then see where you are applying effective strategies to continue your development.

2. Be Prepared for Self-criticism 

We know that we are not perfect. To handle self-criticism, it is important to know that it is a natural part of life, and should not be seen as a setback. Instead, try to develop a mindset of self-compassion and strength by treating yourself with sensibility and support.

Maybe self-criticism isn't the problem, but rather how we react to criticism is the problem

To manage self-criticism, do activities that promote self-care and self-soothing, such as mindfulness meditation, reading, or hobbies. Surround yourself with supportive individuals.

3. Maintain Self Respect

Respect is an important element in building confidence and well-being. It involves valuing and honoring oneself in all aspects of life. Recognizing one’s worth and deservingness of respect builds a sense of self-assurance.

Self-respect is personal empowerment

Preserving self-care and well-being is another expression of self-respect. Making relationships with people who appreciate one’s worth and treat one with kindness and respect is essential. 

4. Accept Failure and Learn From Mistakes

Examine and learn from mistakes to build self confidence. Instead of viewing failure as a setback, view it as an opportunity for growth and learning. Understand that mistakes are not indicators of your worth or potential but are stepping stones toward personal and professional development. 

Making mistakes simply means you are learning faster

Accept failure with curiosity and humility and understand the root causes and underlying factors contributing to the outcome. Acknowledging mistakes empowers one to make meaningful changes and improvements moving forward.

Read Also: Wisdom and Motivation: Top Inspirational Quotes

5. Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

Staying within your comfort zone may feel safe, but it prevents you from fully realizing your capabilities. To promote growth, expand your skills, knowledge, and confidence.

Set specific goals that push you beyond your comfort zone, such as speaking in public, trying a new hobby, or pursuing a career change.

Don't let fear make your decisions for you

Leaving your comfort zone can be one of the most effective ways to gain more confidence in your career. For example, volunteering to give a presentation with a teammate can help you boost your work confidence. 

6. Surround Yourself with Positive People

Positive people uplift and support you. Look for people who transfer positivity, such as friends, family members, colleagues, and mentors who believe in your potential and encourage you to pursue your dreams. Their positive energy and support can boost your confidence.

People inspire you or they drain you -  pick them wisely

Limiting exposure to negative people and toxic relationships can drain your energy and diminish your self-esteem. Instead, prioritize spending time with people who uplift and inspire you.

7. Work on Your Body Language

Stand tall with your shoulders back and your head held high, avoiding slouching or crossing your arms. Maintain eye contact when interacting with others. Look people in the eye when speaking to convey sincerity and make a connection. Do not stare, as this can come across as intimidating or aggressive.

It is confidence in our bodies, minds, and spirits that allows us to keep looking for new adventures

By consciously adjusting your body language, you can project an image of confidence and authority in both professional and personal settings.

8. Learn to Say ‘No’

Declining requests or opportunities that don’t align with one’s values, goals, or priorities isn’t a display of weakness or selfishness, but an affirmation of self-care and respect. It’s perfectly acceptable to say “no” when necessary.

When you say YES to others, make sure you are not saying NO to yourself

Practice assertive communication when saying “no,” being clear, direct, and respectful. Offer a brief explanation if necessary, but avoid over-justifying your decision.

9. Don’t Compare Yourself to other people

Comparing oneself to others can lead to feelings of insecurity. Focusing on others’ achievements can distract from one’s path and accomplishments. Remember that comparisons are often based on incomplete or distorted information, and avoid comparing your reality to someone else’s. Instead, try developing self-awareness and self-acceptance by accepting your unique talents and qualities.

Comparison is the death of joy

10. Never Give Up

To have a growth mindset, see failure as a chance for learning and personal development. Setbacks and obstacles can provide valuable lessons and insights. It allows for a reassessment of strategies and learning from mistakes. 

Do not fear failure but rather fear not trying

A mindset of continuous improvement can change setbacks into opportunities for achieving greater success. 

Wrap Up

Building self confidence requires dedication and self-awareness. Practice assertiveness, say “no” when necessary, and avoid comparing yourself to others. Focus on positive body language, leave your comfort zone, and develop a mindset of dedication. Never give up on your dreams, even during challenges. 

If you truly commit to these tips and work hard towards personal improvement, you will undoubtedly develop a profound sense of self confidence.


How can I be 100% confident in myself?

To increase self confidence, set goals, celebrate achievements, practice self-care, surround yourself with supportive people, and step out of your comfort zone regularly.

What are common obstacles to building self confidence?

Some common obstacles to building self confidence are fear of failure, lack of assertiveness, negative self-talk, depression, perfectionism, bullying, and being highly critical of oneself.

How do I handle criticism and judgment from others?

Listen to feedback with an open mind and use it constructively to improve yourself or your work. Focus on self-worth and avoid letting others’ opinions define you.