Crisis Management on Social Media: How to Protect Your Brand

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By awarenessofsuccess

Social media can be a double-edged sword. It’s probably the single most useful tool for building good relationships with your audience and developing strong branding. However, it is also an extremely high-risk game; one misplaced action could suddenly escalate into a large-scale crisis. 

A negative tweet, a poorly handled complaint, or something as terrible as a data breach could blow up into something big in no time, adding fuel to the fire of hurting your reputation and customers. This is the reason why having a tight crisis management plan in place has become more important than ever.

In this blog, we will discuss how you can prepare yourself for crisis management and tips to recover from a crisis.

What is Social Media Crisis Management?

Social media crisis management refers to the execution of any process that has the purpose of counteracting a negative event on social media that may come with ill effects against your brand. Crises such as product recalls may affect consumer trust, poor customer service that touts service failures, and negative publicity that spreads damaging information.

social media crisis management

Data breaches can be dangerous because they expose sensitive information, and employee scandals can damage a brand image when their actions or behavior go out of hand and are perceived as inappropriate. Effective crisis management encompasses timely and open responses, lucid communication strategies, and actions that are relevant to mitigating the problem and restoring audience trust.

Steps for Social Media Crisis Management

The best way of dealing with a social media crisis is to be prepared for it. Here are some steps that will help you in doing that before the actual crisis occurs.

1. Identifying Potential Crises

identify potential crisis mockup

The best attitude toward a social media crisis is to be prepared enough. Begin by predicting potential crises that can hit your brand. This will involve some brainstorming and coming up with a list of some of the most possible scenarios that may damage the reputation of your brand, including product recall, violation of data, and negative publicity.

2. Developing a Crisis Management Plan

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Next is a crisis management plan. It details what exactly you are going to do in case of a crisis; a clear, detailed communication strategy with the contacts and means of escalation within the ranks of your organization. That way, in case something breaks out, you will have a coordinated, adequate response.

3. Training Your Team

team training

Another thing is the training of your team. Make sure that your team is well-versed in crisis communication principles and knows your particular crisis management plan. The training should empower them to deal with a social media crisis efficiently and maintain consistency of the messages.

4. Monitoring Social Media Channels

A guy listening to phone call

Lastly, monitor your brand mentions at regular intervals on social media. This can help any brand to identify crisis potential early and address and solve the problem before things go haywire by continually being on the lookout through social media.

How to Respond to a Social Media Crisis

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In times of a social media crisis, act quickly but smartly. The following explains how to react to the crisis:

  • Acknowledge the crisis: It should not be swept under the rug. Public acknowledgement of the crisis should be made, and an apology regarding the hassle that has occurred should be issued.
  • Be transparent: Be frank and open during the crisis. Communicate what is known and the actions being taken to correct the situation.
  • Communicate effectively: Be there on time in front of your customers during a crisis. Update them about the situation and what you are doing to fix things.
  • Use social media: Social media might be the best channel to reach customers in times of crisis. Keep your customers updated with the latest news, respond to all questions, and take concerns from your customers.

How to Recover from a Social Media Crisis

social media guys discussing

Take into consideration appropriate steps in the case of a social media crisis. The following steps should be undertaken after a crisis on social media.

  • Analyzing What Went Wrong: Analyze the crisis to understand what triggered it and what could be improved.
  • Update Your Crisis Management Plan: Update the crisis management plan in line with insights learned from the crisis.
  • Rebuild Trust: Focus on providing excellent customer service and actively engaging with your audience to restore confidence.

Read also: Time Management Mastery: Make the Most of Your Time


Social media can escalate crises at the rate of a wildfire. However, if you are prepared enough and act fast, you can reduce the damage to the least and come out even stronger. A crisis is not only about the bad times; it is the opportunity to prove that you really care for your customers and stand up for the values your brand boasts of. 

By investing in crisis management, you secure the reputation and very future of your business. With every step you take in managing a crisis, you show you care, and the more you work on handling it, the more powerful and resilient your brand becomes.


What do you mean by crisis management?

Crisis management is the process and strategy that an organization uses to identify and respond to critical events. A critical event is any kind of threat that takes place, unexpected incidents, or negative disruptions that might affect anything that threatens the continuity of an organization’s work.

What are the 5 P’s of crisis management?

The 5 Ps of crisis management are: predict the possible risks, prevent the real crisis, prepare with a response plan, perform during the crisis itself, and lastly, post-action and assessment for review and improvement.

What is the purpose of crisis management?

Crisis management functions to protect the reputation of organizations and make sure that all stakeholders will be fine. It seeks to restore calmness and stability and return the organization back to normal. Proper crisis management will, therefore, reduce damage and facilitate fast recovery.

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